Welcome to our blog. We are delighted to share our adventures in Kenya with all who are interested.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Growing Kids

Tekoa and Eliza love taking their baths together these days. Josh and I have to be careful not to get drenched while they are having their splashing competitions. It is so much fun watching how they are already becoming good friends. What a joy it is to watch them grow into the children God has created them to be.

I have started Eliza on solid foods, but all we have had success in so far is baby cereal. I tried butternut squash today, and her response was gagging and cringing. So we had to go back to good old cereal again. Tomorrow we might try carrots, and hopefully that is a bit more successful.

Like any boy, Tekoa loves the outdoors. Tekoa loves his horse, but so do all the neighborhood kids. If Tekoa gets off even if it is just for a short time one of the neighborhood kids quickly gets on only for Tekoa to return and claim it back. Sharing is a quality we are working on now, and I am sure we will continue for many years to come.


  1. Rachel,
    How cute! Thank you so much for starting this blog. I love the pictures. Your kids are adorable. It is fun to watch your kids become friends. My kids have their moments when they are not sure if they want to be friends or not, but most of the time they are funny and fun together.

  2. Some great photos to always make me smile! I love hearing about the kids and how you are all doing in your everyday life. I can't wait to see you in September. Now only 6 months away!!! We love you and are praying for you!

  3. These pictures are just adorable! I miss you guys. Blessings on you all, Ehud.
