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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Papa and Nana Schmidt bought tekoa a tricycle last time we were in the states. With some dismantling and manipulation it fit in a large duffle bag. It got a little beat up on the airplane but all in all it works good. This is after Tekoa and I adjusted the seat and handle bars to fit his growing body. He felt like there were a few more modifications necessary for optimal performance.
We had a great time spending the Easter weekend with the Senior Leisters in their new home. This is Tekoa's new easter shirt. It was supposed to be a nice shirt but he wears it all the time so currently it looks like an old work shirt.
Eliza got a new dress for easter. It kind of reminds me of Joseph's coat of many colors, but obviously not a coat. She loves it of course. What a great hat!
Just today Tekoa was invited to a neighbors birthday party. It was a chameleon party with only one requirement; bring your own chameleon. I searched for a while trying to find one with no success but a security guy at the hospital saw me struggling to find something in the bushes and trees and decided to help. He found one in about 10 minutes. So we got Tekoa his chameleon for the party.
He was pretty attached to it but we decided to let him go after the party. His chameleon did win the big race it was in which was a high point of course.