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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day by Day….

This is the next installment of life with the leisters. Of course not a lot of change at the immediate time, but plenty on the way. We'll update as everything unfolds. Currently we are enjoying the hot rainy season of Kisumu. Actually I think I used a blanket for part of last night because it was cooling down a bit. I guess that's life on the ecuador.
Tekoa and Eliza certainly love each other, although they already express the common sibling syndrome; "Best Friend and Greatest Foe" Here they are doing well and working together to consume all the raisins. Tekoa eats them from a bowl, but drops a few here and there which Eliza quickly scrambles to eat them off the floor before someone stops her.
Eliza is starting to stand a lot more these days. For a while she had no interest in it at all. So I had to pull out the trusty "Stander." Actually it has no name, its just a frame I built to help Tekoa stand and walk. We hang toys off the center arm so the kids have some incentive and they like it. It slides well on the tile floor so when she is strong enough she will be able to push it around and practice walking with support. It has only caused a few minor injuries in the past so we hope it will be safe for the princess.
Isn't that just a beautiful smile. This girl has so much personality. She is going to give Tekoa a run for his money. Oh don't worry that is me in the tie and not some other skinny white guy trying to get close to my daughter.
Aahhh one of Tekoa's favorite past times, bubbles. Rachel whipped him up some super soap mixture, which required sugar I might add, and Tekoa had a blast making big bubbles. The bubble is in the picture if you look hard enough.
It was a week of adventure for sure. This is one of the slight mishaps Tekoa had on Friday. Of course I was slightly to blame at least in Rachel's mind. I filled the space between the wall and stairs with pillows so Tekoa had a soft place to jump around. Well then came the boom, the pause, and then the cry. He didn't cry for too long because we knocked him out, just kidding.
This experience was three days after the little boy went climbing. We live in a housing estate that isn't finished yet so there are several unfinished buildings around. Here all buildings are blocks or brick. Tekoa and a little friend of his went exploring in one of these skeleton structures and we couldn't figure out where he was. After calling his name a bit and walking around he finally made some noise. As we looked up three stories Tekoa was standing on the edge of the roof top of the unfinished building, looking at us bewildered as if we had nothing to worry about. Rachel started the "don't jump" speech will I rushed up the inside to gather the boys from the top of the building. Needless to say I beat them, but only enough for them not to enjoy their last minutes on the roof. Tekoa also lost his out of site play privileges. Isn't life fun!

1 comment:

  1. That is quite the boo-boo, Joshua, and I cannot imagine finding my son three stories up in unfinished construction. Sounds brave, like his father.
